World over, the practice in Urea conditioning has been limited to formaldehyde products, either as UF solutions or as HMTA (HEXA METHYLENE TETRAMINE). As compared to carcinogenic properties associated with presence of free formaldehyde inevitable in use of UF solution or HMTA, Freeflow is completely free of such hazardous materials its composition and hence this unique formulation is the No. 1 safety option for Urea conditioning.
Field tests parallelly conducted on stacked bags and heaped urea over long storages on Freeflow and HMTA as conditioning agents showed much improved results in prevention of caking while using fertiflow conditioner, al much lower cost inputs. This is why Freeflow is the No. 1 economic option for Urea conditioning.
RELAX on your Urea conditioning problems, once you are on to Freeflow The product has a proven performance in India and the Middle-East.
Dosing of Urea Anticaking Agent
Freeflow can be used on all grades of Urea intended for agricultural and technical use.
While the conventional additives such as formaldehyde, HMTA are prill strength improvers only and can hardly be called anticaking agents, Freeflow
imparts pronounced and very definite anticaking properties to urea.
Freeflow does not call for any process modificaion in Urea plant and is wholly belt sprayable. It has no reactivity that is likely to cause damage to the rubber belting.
A mere spraying and limited homogenization by raking (by use of rakers made out of rubber/plastic materials) on the belt is adequate for Freeflow application on urea. This is due to a remarkable and unique self spreading and migrating property of Freeflow.
Freeflow toxicity data indicates that it is safe for agricultural and animal use as a coating on urea.
Never before has handling and transport of urea been made so simple whether in bulk or in bagged condition.
Urea Prills
Recrystallization of Urea - Uncoated
Reorganization of Urea - coated with